
Have you been to the frontier of your field? Have you seen the gaps? Do you want to do great work that your community rewards you for? Do you know how hard that is?

I may be able to help out.

Since 2014 I have worked for 5 startups. The journey has been challenging. However, in that journey I have collected good mental models, valuable lessons, and an intuition for good technologies.

I can share this wisdom with you.

One day, a few years from now, I want you to yell at me: “Hockey Stick! Hockey Stick! Hockey Stick Growth!”

Some of my startup work:

  • Monarch: I crafted the messaging, envisioned and executed the strategy, and built the technology for this developer tool.
  • Dropsource: I designed the product experience and built the technology for this complex software product.
  • Project 1040: I validated the business model, managed the project, designed the domain model, hired contractors, and oversaw the design of the MVP for this tax planning system.
  • ArgusQ: I designed the UX of the MVP and developed the technology for this crowd sourcing platform.
  • marGo: I built all aspects of the technology for this direct marketing SaaS platform.
  • Dobly: a team communications tool before Slack became what it is today.